The Goods in Hawaii

Monday, January 02, 2006

First Week Down...

Sorry for not writing in a while. The week dragged by as I thought it would. The last week of December always drags no matter what you are doing. Most people are off work or out of school and actvities are canceled until the beginning of the year. It makes the week go by slowly when even when I want to get busy with church activities and all my close friends are still on the mainland visiting family.

Daniel has made it to his assigned camp for his deployment. He has only been able to drop a couple fast emails saying he will write more. I was just happy to hear he is okay. Their flight was delayed in Germany for three days due to the airport they were flying into being snowed-in. The Marines spent alot of time playing cards...

He mentioned that he is staying incredibly busy learning all kinds of new things. He is taking over from another logistics officer, so he has a lot to find out about the people to contact and the way things have worked before he got there. He is excited about all the opportunities this position has for him. It makes it easier for me knowing that he is happy with his job.

I will write more news when I hear from him. He is still trying to figure out the best address for him to recieve snail mail as well as email. I will let you all know by email.

I am picking up Amaya at the airport on Wednesday as well as a few other friends throughout the week. Church activities are starting up and I am going to start teaching Sunday School so I have a lesson to plan for the 1st and 2nd graders. I am excited about teaching that age group. It will be most of the same kids I have from AWANA so there will already be some relationships developed.

This last week I spent a lot of time with Jo, another wife whose husband left on Monday. We hit the beach, hung at each others houses and went to the Officer's Club for New Year's Eve. They had a southern rock band playing all kinds of Lynyrd Skynryd and CCR songs. It was a lot of fun. We danced together and enjoyed ourselves.

Unfortunately my phone was acting up and I missed a call from Daniel that night. He left a voicemail and I was a sad wife. Hopefully he will be able to call this week.

I just got back from the gym with Jo and I need to get some lunch in me.

Happy New Year Dear Ones!


  • At 1/03/2006 06:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year, SweetOne! So glad you heard from Dan'l. I am glad you are keeping busy while He's away. Don't get too committed that you can't come home for a bit. Two weeks from today, we will be flying out to see you! We are very excited about it! XXOO


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