The Goods in Hawaii

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mom and Dad Good are Here!

It is a beautiful Saturday morning here in Kailua and it is incredible the activities we have already done with the Goods.

On Thursday we picked them up from the airport in the afternoon and headed home for dinner. Unfortunately I had a KV meeting that I had to be at so it was not the quiet night I wanted it to be. The meeting was a pre-deployment brief for all the spouses of the deployed. It was a very informational meeting but it ran much later than I wanted it. I ended up getting home at 9:30 and the Goods were exhausted from the long day and the time changes.

Friday we went on an Around-the-Island tour that was offered by the Marine Corps Family Services. It was a great chance to see so much of the island and I learned quite a few new things about Oahu. Unfortunately our camera lens jammed so we did not get to take many pictures, but hopefully we can get it fixed soon. The tour was great and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Today the guys are diving on the west coat of the island. They left about an hour ago for the boat ride out to a ship wreck off Waianae. I am not sure about all the details of the dive but it looks to be a good day for them to go out. We are hoping everything turns out great. I will keep you all posted.

Marsha and I are doing some shopping and general familiarization with this side of the island today. We are planning a Christmas dinner on Wednesday night so we are food shopping for that as well as gingerbread men, on request of our husbands.

I will try to post again during their visit so the blog write-up after they leave is not incredibly long. I will try to get some pictures by then.

Everyone have a great weekend!


  • At 12/11/2005 10:12:00 AM, Blogger chris said…

    Hi, Maryn!!! I just saw your comment on Lolly's blog and clicked on your link- I'd forgotten that you have a blog, too! It must be so nice to have your in-laws here, especially during the holidays. And I'm so happy that your DH is finally home with you, too. :-) Looks like you all are having a wonderful time! And tell your big sis that it IS cold here, heehee! ;-) I've been sleeping in socks and a sweatshirt, and I bet it's even colder in Kaneohe! Take care!! :-)



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