The Goods in Hawaii

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Babies, Babies Everywhere...Not yet though

Well, this week I found out that three couples Daniel and I know are pregnant! Very exciting news. It is funny it all came within this week. Just a sidenote to everyone, Daniel and I are not planning for one for quite a while. Everytime I start talking about babies and friends expecting, people start teasing and asking when we are going to try for one. Not for a while, I need to know Daniel as husband before father to our children.

Congratulations! I am not going to name who because it should be their joy to share the news. I am going to take one of the ladies to the doctor tomorrow morning for her appointment. Her husband is going to be on the range all week, much like Daniel was a few weeks ago. Being on the range is where they shoot all week to qualify for certain badges for the year as marksmen or sharpshooters. Anyways, he is not able to take her to the appointment. I am so glad to be able to help. I get to take care of her baby girl as she sees the doctor. He daughter is precious! I am looking forward to helping out...

Daniel called on Friday. He is doing well. He doesn't have a phone signal in California, wherever they are. We didn't get to talk long, unfortunately. That has been the hardest thing so far, not hearing how he is and sharing every bit of news I have with him. I leave him voicemails whenever I think of something I don't want to forget to tell him. He is going to have several by the time he has cell phone reception again. Ah well, at least we are somewhat communicating.

I just got back from the airport. Another couple, not expecting, just got back from their honeymoon. It was a little delayed since they got married over a year ago, but like so many military couples they were not able to have a honeymoon right after the wedding. They finally found the time and went to a neighboring island for a week. They had a wonderful time. I missed chatting with the wife though...I am glad they are back.

Rehearsals are chugging along. Everyone is "off-book" or not using their script anymore. It is much nicer not having to lug the script around anymore, but occasionally I go blank on my lines. Thankfully I have three weeks left to perfect them. I am doing better than I thought I would. I have always had a hard time with memorization. I think all the rehearsals have been good for me in many ways; keeping my mind off Daniel, helping with memorizing, and getting to know the cast really well.

I went to Guys and Dolls, another musical, last night with some of the cast and the funniest thing happened...well it wasn't funny while it was happening. I was sitting next to a guy who was double-casted for the show we were watching. Basically it means the next weekend the show was playing, he was going to be performing one of the roles. ANYWAYS, the entire first act of the show he recited every line along with the guy on stage he was going to play. As if that wasn't enough, he started singing along with him. I was in awe of his behavior. He was loud. I had decided that by intermission I was going to kindly ask him to not speak the lines aloud and to please not sing because I had never seen this particular show. Thankfully he moved to another seat during intermission and I did not have to ask him to be quiet or deal with him the second act. I felt bad for whoever had to sit next to him for the remainder for the show. It was definitely an interesting evening. The ladies I went with said my faces were so memorable. Just when I thought the guy was done saying every word, he would keep going... We laughed about it in the car on the way home...

So the islands are supposed to be having three big storms coming in this next week. Hopefully none of them become hurricanes. Our home is in the tidal wave safety zone thankfully, but some of our friends' homes are not. They have teased that they are going to move in with us...

Speaking of the home, I took a few pics tonight.

Here is our family room. Daniel and I got the loveseat during a Labor Day sale at the Navy Exchange. We got the table at another sale at the Air Force Exchange. I tell you what, the benefits of military shopping are wonderful! I was so happy about the curtains. They are really nice and we found them at good ol' Walmart. I love that those stores have started carrying nice home stuff. We found the rug at Home Depot...and once everything got in the room it all worked. We are very happy with it all and everything is so nice and comfy...big plus for curling up and reading under a blanket.

Here is our breakfast room and kitchen. It is a little cluttered now, sorry. I write everything down to help me remember and all my notes from random places were collecting on the bar. I was also washing dishes. The house didn't have a washer installed but you can request one. We did, and in order to run it it must be rolled over to the sink and plugged in. It really isn't a big hassle. Standing for hours on the hard floor washing dishes can be a pain on the feet and back, which is the hassle. I am thankful for the size of the kitchen. I like to spend time in there...

Here is our guest room. We still need to hang some things on the walls to make it feel a little homier. I have some wall-hangings I got from Azerbaijan I just need to figure out how to hang them. This is where our family members will stay when they visit. I am so excited about the up-coming visits. My sister and brother-in-law will be here in a little less than 5 weeks. Woohoo!

Well, I am going to close out now. I need to get in the habit of writing on here again. Not having it while we were moving made me forget how much I like writing on here. It is such a good way to remember what our life on the island has been like so far as well as keep ya'll informed. It is like my public diary...ha!

Love to Everyone!


  • At 9/19/2005 01:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad you are busy, but don't over commit yourself. You still need some creative time or reading time. The pictures are great! Everything looks so nice. You and Dan have made a lovely home. Can't wait to see it for ourselves in January.

  • At 9/20/2005 05:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there Hawaii girl-

    I havent been the best at being in touch - but the blog thing is quite groovy - your place looks great - and im sure it will only start to feel more and more like a home - so scary that youre becoming an adult and what not - very cool my friend - i think its great you seem to be keeping up with performing and the arts - i recently was up in ny -(visiting one of my hawaii buds interestingly enough) - and i saw phantom of the opera- the show was cheesey enough with all the 80s synthesizer tunes and such - although i thought the show was still pretty groovy - things have been marching along quite well here in CP - i havent been to the LIFE in a while cause ive been busy like whoa - but jeff did get a new iBook - which i have to say is just dead sexy - ill be in new york this coming friday for my PeaceCorps interview (did i tell you i applied- wish me luck) -and aside from that - there is always spanish hw im supposed to be doing - but we'll see if it ever gets done...

    Anyway i wanna know more about how you are doing? how hawaii is treating you? how daniel is doing? And wise choice about the babies - they are cute but so scary when they are yours
    -All my best
    -be in touch


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